Safeguarding is everybody’s business. As a school we take our safeguarding responsibility very seriously. We have a Designated Safeguarding Lead which is Mr Sanderson and two deputies: Mrs Richardson and Mrs King
If you have ANY concerns about a child you should ask one of us for advice. This can be done via phone on 01642 784735 or through email We would always encourage you to phone school so we can have a conversation.
If you are struggling as a family we are able to help. There are a number of different routes that we can access support for you, we are here for your children and if we can not help we will find someone who can.
Our safeguarding policy is reviewed annually and all staff undertake termly training, led by Mr Sanderson as the DSL or outside staff.
If you have concerns about a child and would rather speak to someone outside of school we urge you to contact the children’s hub on 01429 284284 – please note the Hartlepool dialling code.