Welcome to Preston Primary and Nursery School
Our Vision and Ethos
We welcome all children and celebrate our diversity. We aim to provide the best possible support to enable every child within the school to reach their potential, whatever their ability.
We are an ‘open school’, where you as parents are encouraged to support us as professionals in what we do and consequently make the school a happy and successful place for your child to flourish. As teachers we fundamentally believe that a supportive partnership between home and school will ensure the best rewards for your child’s future, both academically and socially, in an atmosphere of shared responsibility. We look forward to your child joining our school in the knowledge that they will be cared for and offered opportunities to develop their skills in a friendly, happy and educationally challenging atmosphere. Each school is different and unique in its own special way. At Preston Primary we have five golden threads that run through all we do as a school. These five elements are explained below, however if you would like to come and see what this looks like embedded within our school, please do make an appointment to come and look around. We look forward to welcoming you to a school that doesn’t just educate, it cares.
You will find a welcoming, caring and supportive environment where everyone is valued and appreciated.
Child Centred
We strongly believe in the development of the whole child. We encourage the children to discover their possibilities and fulfill their potential both academically and through the discovery and nurturing of their talents.
We teach the children through our Golden Rules about the responsibilities they have for themselves, each other and people in the wider world. These responsibilities are built on the firm foundations of mutual respect, the rule of law, democracy and individual liberty. These are modelled by all staff at Preston in all we do.
Partnership working, founded on a mutual respect permeates through everything we achieve as a school. We develop home school partnerships and community partnerships that ensure our children understand their place in the community and the wider world.
Life Long Learners
We encourage curiosity and develop the skills to become learners for life. We are developing 6 key characteristics in our Preston Curriculum that we feel are essential to be a lifelong learner
- Creative thinking
- Critical thinking
- Independence
- Resilience
- Enterprise
- Teamwork
If there is anything you are unsure about then please don’t hesitate to ask either the head teacher or one of the teaching staff and we will do our best to help you. If you require further information, please contact us.
Ofsted Inspection
In March 2024 the school had an Ofsted inspection, Please read our latest Ofsted report. Given the findings during the visit that the school potentially offers Outstanding elements of education, we are expecting a revisit between May 2025 and May 2026. Since this time the frameworks have changed, however separate components of education are now judged rather than having an overall effectiveness judgement.
Opening Hours
School opens at 7.30am for breakfast club and closes at 6.00pm following after school care club. These clubs can be booked via the School Comms App.
The main school gates opening at 8.45am and the end of the school day is 3.15pm this equates to 32.5 hours per week.
Our Acorns SEND unit operates different times to ensure a calm and settled start to the day, these are 8.30am – 2.30pm. Most children within this provision arrive via taxi and this ensures a safe drop off and pick up.
If you would like to request paper copies of anything on the website please email enquiries@prestonprimary.co.uk.