Wrap Around Care
School provides childcare from 7.30am until 6.00pm (6.00pm is being trialled until Christmas2024).
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club has a cost of £4.00 or £6.00 and the club runs from 7.30am or 8.00am until 8.45am and the children are escorted to their classes at the end. The session consists of a healthy breakfast and a variety of fun games and activities. On a Friday we have a ‘Fantastic Friday’ session which gives the children the opportunity to try a variety of different breakfasts, from smoothies, to pancakes to muffins.
After School Club
After School Club is also tiered in costs with both of the options children will get a ‘snack’ at the end of the school day. The children are involved in making these snacks before eating as a family group around the table. After School Club children are picked up from their classes at 3.15pm and then can be looked after up until 4.30pm at a cost of £6 or up until 5.30pm at a cost of £10.00. Each night sees a variety of activities taking places such as crafts, games or outdoor activities.
Bookings and payments for wraparound care are made via the School Gateway App. Please contact the office if you need help