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Year 2 Bulletin: P.E will be taught on a Tuesday, don't forget to come to school in your kit.

Windows will be open in the classroom so please wear extra layers!

Homework is sent home every Friday either in homework books or uploaded onto Seesaw.

Reading books are changed daily.

Welcome to Year 2

We would like to welcome you to Year 2. We are Miss Richardson, the class teacher and Mrs Murray, Higher Level Teaching Assistant . We are looking forward to working together so that we have an exciting, productive year and enjoy the challenges that Year 2 has to offer.

Dates for your Diary

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Things to Look forward to

Designing and making food packages. 
Making a healthy lunch. 
Using our brand new class oven. 

Collecting reading tokens for our brand new ‘RITA’ reading, vending machine. 

Our Journey so Far